Namdeb remains committed to fostering skills development through various opportunities. Work-Integrated Learner programs and technical internships provide on-the job training. At the same time, through this investment Namdeb contributes to the growth of professionals through the provision of relevant industry experience that benefits not only Namdeb but the larger professional market within Namibia.
The Namdeb Bursary Scheme initially started in 1978 and was formalised during 1979 when six bursars in the fields of Engineering, Medicine, Metallurgy, Mining and Human Resources were recruited. The scheme has since then been a major provider of well-qualified and technically skilled human capital who have taken the company to greater heights. The Namdeb Bursary Scheme covers full tuition, transport, incidentals, meals and accommodation expenses. In 1996, the company introduced the In-service Bursary Scheme through which current employees can obtain tertiary qualifications, on a fulltime basis, in their work-related fields, without losing their status as permanent employees.
One of the key objectives of the Bursary Scheme is to enable Namibians to acquire the necessary qualifications to fill positions within the company. The scheme therefore supplements succession management. Several ex-Namdeb bursars have, since its inception, progressed through the ranks and have gone on to occupy key technical and leadership positions within Namdeb and the De Beers Group. The scheme has also contributed immensely to the supply of national managerial expertise in Namibia.