Being a significant player in the Namibian diamond industry, at Namdeb we believe it is our responsibility to protect the natural world and improve the lives of people. As we continue to do the right things today for a better tomorrow, we have adopted the De Beers Group Building Forever Sustainability Framework.
Oranjemund Town Transformation:
The livelihoods work undertaken by Namdeb is incorporated in the town transformation strategy of Oranjemund. The strategy was as a result of collaboration with the Oranjemund Town Council and the wider community of the town. The strategy and Plan aim to normalise the town from a Namdeb-owned and managed town dependent on mining, to a normal, self-sustaining town with a diversified economy. In this regard, Namdeb established a section 21 company OMDis in 2019 to proactively accelerate Town Transformation – focusing on the economic diversification of Oranjemund to ensure the town’s sustainability by 2030 and beyond.
OMDis launched a number of feasibility studies to establish the viability of possible industries including agriculture. The company also facilitated SME training to develop and support SME’s. A major milestone for OMDis was the awarding of the Orange River tourism concession within the Tsau //Khaeb National Park. This is anticipated to be a significant contributor to the development of tourism-related activities and jobs creation in Oranjemund and the Karas region in at large. Investors will also be sought for lodge development through the concession, as well as tourism activities in collaboration with local tour operators.
Health Care/COVID-19 Response:
Namdeb’s first priority is to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for employees. This is achieved through a holistic wellness programme which focuses on the prevention and care of diseases. The Namdeb Hospital offers a variety of services to enhance continuous health monitoring. These services include occupational health, physiotherapy, casualty, OPD, in-patient, X-ray, pharmacy, laboratory, maternity and private medical practitioners.
Namdeb’s wellness section augments the above medical functions by broadening the scope to include bio-psycho-social and economic aspects are key contributors to individual wellbeing and organizational efficacy.
Furthermore, Namdeb prides itself on being the first organisation in Namibia to provide antiretroviral (ARVs) medicine to employees, their spouses, life partners and dependents. Namdeb also secured a fully-fledged COVID-19 facility in 2020 which not only serves its employees but also the town of Oranjemund and the //Kharas Region at large.

As a responsible corporate citizen, and a long-term partner of the Namibian government, Namdeb has remained committed to support the efforts to mitigate the impact of the pandemic and has been instrumental in availing and setting up isolation units in Oranjemund and Lüderitz, and procuring essential medical equipment such as ventilators, new beds and testing equipment. These activities included:
- Given the risk of the spread of COVID-19, Namdeb established a fully-fledged COVID-19 testing laboratory for both Namdeb employees, Oranjemund and surrounding communities of Rosh Pinah and Aus to support the MOHSS to safeguard the health and safety of its employees and also to support the local community.
- Establishment of a Covid-19 call center in Oranjemund which provides access to information and guidance on testing and treatment for employees and the community of Oranjemund.
- The refurbishment and fitting out of a complete wing of the Oranjemund hospital as a dedicated Covid-19 ward.
- Provision of essential medical equipment such as ventilators, new beds and testing equipment as part of a comprehensive response plan for the company to safeguard the health and safety of its employees and to support the local community.
- Together with De Beers Group and our sister companies Debmarine Namibia and NDTC, we made a combined pledge of N$26 million towards the Government vaccine roll-out campaign in Namibia.
- Donation of the first load of bulk 21 tonne load of oxygen to the Ministry of Health and Social Services through the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) to strengthen the supply of oxygen in Namibia. This donation is valued at of N$ 476 575.00 Additionally, 160 oxygen cylinders (10kg) was also donated to the Keetmashoop Hospital with an estimated value of approximately N$320 000.00