Namdeb’s rich history goes as far back as 1920 when diamond-mining companies along the Orange River were amalgamated to form Consolidated Diamond Mines (CDM). In 1994 CDM entered into a new partnership with the Namibian Government and Namdeb was formed.
Namdeb performs land-based prospecting (exploration), mining and rehabilitation operations. Diamond exploration and mining takes place along the south-west coast and inland areas of Namibia’s //Karas Region. The main land-based operations are found in the town of Oranjemund and satellite mines along the Orange River and approximately 1500 employees (excluding contractors) form part of its workforce.
Several types of innovative mining techniques are employed to extract diamonds from alluvial deposits of ore bodies. Mining techniques have included specialised equipment such as, vacuum extractors, dredgers, floating treatment plants, probe drilling platforms and most recently the surface miner to extract the resource.
– A glance at our proud history –

Railway worker Zacharias Lewala discovers a diamond, leading to a diamond rush. Mining in Namibia commences and Sperrgebiet (‘forbidden territory’) is declared.
Namdeb Diamond Corporation (Pty) Limited, a 50/50 partnership between the Namibian Government and De Beers is formed.

The Government of the Republic of Namibia and De Beers celebrate 10 years of a successful partnership
The Government of the Republic of Namibia and De Beers sign an agreement which re-arranges and equalizes the shareholding structure of Namdeb and Debmarine Namibia

The Government of the Republic of Namibia and De Beers celebrate 20 years of a successful partnership under the theme of “Innovation and Value Creation” Sendelingsdrif Mine and Red Area Complex Inaugurated
Namdeb reviews business plan and a new three year robust business plan is developed. The plan enables Namdeb to continue investing back into communities impacted

In October, Namdeb announces approval of it’s long-term business plan which extends life of mines from 2022 to 2042
– Our Vision
Namdeb, the Pride of Namibia’s Mining – to 2050 and beyond.
– Our Purpose
Mining For Good
– Our Values

– New Namdeb Journey to Wellbeing (NNJW)