Namdeb operations are located within the Tsau //Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park, adjacent to the international Orange River and Namibian Islands Marine Protected Area. The location of the operations calls for responsible environmental management. Namdeb continues to be involved in numerous conservation, monitoring and ecological history programmes, which aim to minimise the potential impact of its operations on the environment. Namdeb’s Environmental Management System is aligned with the ISO14001 international standard.
Environmental clearances are in place for all of Namdeb’s licence areas. The company follows an Environmental Impact Assessment process that includes stakeholder and community engagements, with the aim to avoid, mitigate and minimise impact.
Considering the unique location of Namdeb’s diamond mining operations and the potential for tourism in the area, the integration of biodiversity stewardship into the mine’s life cycle from exploration, projects, operations and closure is a critical strategy.
For several years the company has supported various research and conservation efforts in both land and marine environs through the establishment of partnerships with key research and academic institutions. The unique biodiversity and archaeological/heritage found within Namdeb’s mining licence areas has resulted in a comprehensive rehabilitation programme, which retrospectively addresses the legacy of over 100 years of mining in Tsau//Khaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park.
Namdeb prides itself with a rehabilitation plan that is aligned with the park’s Land Use Plan. This plan makes provision for rehabilitation of areas for mining based, nature based and conservation areas. Concurrent rehabilitation is catered for annually and is aligned with the company’s Strategic Business Plan. More than 126 000 tons of scrap has been removed from the company’s license areas since the approval of the Rehabilitation Plan by the Namibian government in 2008.