Namdeb has a proud history of being an industry leader in the adoption of innovation across our value chain and adopted innovative mining techniques to extract diamonds safely and sustainably from alluvial deposits of ore bodies. Several types of innovative mining techniques have been used to extract diamonds from alluvial deposits of ore bodies. Specialized equipment such as vacuum extractors, dredgers, accretion conveyors and drill platforms have been used to sample, extract the resource and create more accretion respectively.
Namdeb will continue to explore innovative opportunities and initiatives to complement the existing mining methods to improve performance that will make a meaningful contribution to the profitability of the operation. Most recently Namdeb acquired the technology of the Surface Miner to improve the current mining method. The use of Surface Miner technology was identified as a means of mechanical bedrock mining to complement and improve the current gulley mining method which utilizes a combination of excavators (with bucket and rock-breaking attachments) for bulk excavation and manual Trans-vac units for final suction clean-up of remaining gravels.
Innovation and technology continue to play a critical role in the mining industry and Namdeb not only reevaluates methods to improve efficiency of its processes, to reduce costs, but also to meet the increasing social and environmental concerns that support the life of mine (LOM). As such, Namdeb have embarked on projects which include amongst others the inclusion of X-Ray Transmission (XRT) technology at Senderlingsdrif Treatment Plant and Red Area Complex (RAC) – XRT. This technology has the potential of higher diamond recovery as well as improved process data due to sorting criteria used. X-Ray technology is proven to be an efficient technology to recover diamonds from wet or dry diamondiferous gravels and generates concentrate/yield that is manageable for hand sorting. It is also designed to provide a safer and secure working environment.
Namdeb is committed to the national digital transformation strategy by seeking out innovative opportunities to optimize its mining method to create more value to ensure a better tomorrow!